You know you're a Bosnian when:

You know you're a Bosnian when:
Osim na spomen seksa, dupeta i grudi, posjetitelji Lupige pale se na sve što ima veze s Bosnom. Spomeni im Bosnu, Sarajevo, Zabranjeno pušenje, pa čak i rat, odmah novica ima bezbroj čitanja. Pa kad tako stoje stvari evo nešto o Bosni, odnosno o Bosancima. Jest da je poglupo, k tome stara fora i na engleskom, ali ima i iznimno dobrih fora pa evo vam

You know you're a Bosnian when:

your family owns a manual coffee grinder

you take your shoes off when you enter the house, and every family member has his/her own slippers (plus some extra for the guests)

your neighbour comes over every day uninvited, for coffee

your father wears striped pajamas

you start your day with a cup of coffee and a cigarette

you have 17 consonants and 2 vowels in your last name

your mother/nena won't accept the fact that you're not hungry

you have "pita" for dinner at least 4 days a week

you have "sarma" for dinner the remaining 3 days

a loaf of bread is eaten for lunch every day

you're 6 and your father sends you out to buy him "Drina" and "Sarajevsko"

you don't speak to your cousins who support "Zeljo"

when your nena insists you eat something with "kasika" at least once a week

you chop up some onions and then decide what to cook for dinner

your mother insists that "promaja" will kill you

your mother tells you not to sit on the concrete slabs, or your ovaries are going to freeze

your mother tells you to wear "potkosulja", no matter what the temperature outside

your mother tells you not to sit close to TV, and not to use cell phones, because you'll get brain tumor

your mother tells you that you'll get sick from drinking cold water

you tuck in your "potkosulja" into your underwear

your parents wonder why you take shower every day

your parents tell you that they had you, AND your sister/brother when they were your age

a couple of days really means a week or so

your parents have "goblene" on their walls, and "heklanje" on every piece of their furniture, including the TV

your parents make "zimnica" every september

your mother threathens you with "samo cekaj dok ti se babo vrati kuci"

you spend all your family vacations in Neum

you drive there in a family "golf"

you take a car to go everywhere

you begin most sentences with "j. ga", "svega mi", or "Tita mi"

your young cousin doesn't know what "Tita mi" means

you can't explain what "bolan" means, but you use it all the time

you're the only one who gets all the Mujo and Suljo jokes

you know the entire script of "Walter brani Sarajevo" by heart

you despise your cousin who's going out with an "unproforac"

your mother bakes a cake without oil, sugar, eggs, or flour, and she calls it "a war cake"

the time is divided into "before" and "after" the war

your father refers to all politicians with "djubrad", "lopovi", and "kriminalci"

you have at least one best friend from high school who went to "their side" and you still can't explain it to yourself your remaining friends from high school live in Australia, Norway, Germany, and Malaysia

you don't want to talk about the war to anyone, but that's the only thing you talk about with other Bosnians

you have at least three passports, and have lived in at least 4 countries in the last 12 years


Varga je otkazao tulum jer je shvatio da:


  1. FRAGMENTI IZ DNEVNIKA - LÁSZLÓ VÉGEL: Revolucije nema – ali kamen čvrsto držimo u ruci


    László Végel

    FRAGMENTI IZ DNEVNIKA - LÁSZLÓ VÉGEL: Revolucije nema – ali kamen čvrsto držimo u ruci

  2. U VIHORU MRŽNJE: Osvrt na knjigu „Alija. Ulema ili balija“


    Nedžad Novalić

    U VIHORU MRŽNJE: Osvrt na knjigu „Alija. Ulema ili balija“

  3. POSLANICA LANE BOBIĆ: Metode režima nasilja


    Lana Bobić

    POSLANICA LANE BOBIĆ: Metode režima nasilja

Lupiga predstavlja: Priče iz zagrebnog života


  1. Povijesni put Hitlerove 'klonje'
  2. Yugo - urbana legenda
  3. Freedom Theatre (Teatar slobode)
  4. Japanske čestitke i razglednice
  5. Russellov čajnik


  1. Domaći sok od bazge
  2. Burek (bosanski) za 1 odraslu osobu
  3. Drugačija svinjska jetrica
  4. Bosanska pogača
  5. Piletina u košuljici od sezama
Projekt se provodi uz pomoć:
Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske Agencija za elektroničke medije Grad Zagreb
Medijski partneri: Balkan Insight - Balkanska tranziciona pravda CINS - Centar za istraživačko novinarstvo Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije