Nije li to za plakati ...

Nije li to za plakati ...
Ovog sam se jutra probudio, prošetao gradom (lažem, provezao sam se), pogledao mail i rasplakao.
Jer sam shvatio kako su ljudi pokvareni,
jer sam shvatio da sam pokvaren i ja,
jer sam shvatio da smo ustajali kao užegla jaja ...

Cijeli ovaj tekst je tužna priča iz glazbenog marketinga, biznisa i industrije. Mail je nekom stigao iz neke domaće izdavačke kuće:

Nakon što se ovoga jutra Flea, basist Peppersa, probudio nešto je shvatio i osjetio potrebu da na web site svoje grupe postavi sljedeći tekst:

when i woke up this morning

i was was confronted with the news that our record has been leaked to

the internet

it does not come out til may 9 but now it has leaked

and not that i know alot about this kind of thing

but i guess now it is possible to down load it for free if you want


that's not very nice

if you down load it now off one of these file sharing sites

you will be getting a pale imitation of the record

it will be of the poor sound quality of the technique they used to

get it on there

and that will break my heart

it will break john frusciante's heart

it will break anthony kiedis's heart

and it will break the heart of chad smith

yes, we worked for a year and a half to make the epic record of our


and it is sad to me for the business reasons of course

i think we are selling something really cool and we put all we had

into it, 28 songs, 2 hours of the best that we can offer

and i think it is a fair deal for everyone

and for people to just steal a poor sound quality version of it for free

because some asshole stole it and put it on the internet

is sad to me

but, equitable business reasons aside

the thing that really bums me out is

we worked so hard, and so thoughtfully, all of us, for so long

to make this record sound as warm and full from top to bottom

as was possible

we spent day and night for a year making sure every little sound was

just right

that they were all put together in the most beautiful way we could

we did not leave a stone unturned in doing that work

i can not put in words how much this record, stadium arcadium, means

to us

how sacred the sound of it is to us

and how many sleepless nights and hardworking days we all had

thinking about how to make it be the best sounding thing we could

and now, for someone to take it and put it out there with this poor

sound quality

it is a painful pill for us to swallow

let me tell you

this bums all of us out

and i know that, as sensitive as john frusciante is about sound

the idea of anyone getting and hearing this thing that way

will devastate him

for people to not hear the work the way we meant it to be

will really hurt him deep inside

and all of us will hurt

 yes, it is stealing from us, and that is lame

everyone has to live with their own conscience on that one

let it be your guide

but to take a version that has been defiled sound wise

a version in which some idiot has taken our year and a half of soul

baring work and pissed all over it

that will break our hearts�



I ja sam jučer sjedila u jednom zagrebačkom kultnom rock cafeu i u pozadini je svirao kompletni Stadium Arcadium i to na repeat, pitam šankera koji je to bend on kaže ne znam, ja kažem ma je, ne znaš!!?. pita me šta si ti iz  ZAMPa. Kažem: nisam.

Sav trud mojih kolega i mene pao je u vodu... dogovaramo  nekakve ekskluzive na izabranim radio postajama, portalima, televizijama i ostalim medijima koji se trude profesionalno i po protokolu obaviti svoj posao najbolje što mogu, šaljemo vijesti o tim velikim događajima, a mnogima je to smiješno, pa oni taj album imaju več nekoliko dana. I, ne samo taj ...


Varga je otkazao tulum jer je shvatio da:


  1. FRAGMENTI IZ DNEVNIKA - LÁSZLÓ VÉGEL: Revolucije nema – ali kamen čvrsto držimo u ruci


    László Végel

    FRAGMENTI IZ DNEVNIKA - LÁSZLÓ VÉGEL: Revolucije nema – ali kamen čvrsto držimo u ruci

  2. U VIHORU MRŽNJE: Osvrt na knjigu „Alija. Ulema ili balija“


    Nedžad Novalić

    U VIHORU MRŽNJE: Osvrt na knjigu „Alija. Ulema ili balija“

  3. POSLANICA LANE BOBIĆ: Metode režima nasilja


    Lana Bobić

    POSLANICA LANE BOBIĆ: Metode režima nasilja

Lupiga predstavlja: Priče iz zagrebnog života


  1. Povijesni put Hitlerove 'klonje'
  2. Yugo - urbana legenda
  3. Freedom Theatre (Teatar slobode)
  4. Japanske čestitke i razglednice
  5. Russellov čajnik


  1. Domaći sok od bazge
  2. Burek (bosanski) za 1 odraslu osobu
  3. Drugačija svinjska jetrica
  4. Bosanska pogača
  5. Piletina u košuljici od sezama
Projekt se provodi uz pomoć:
Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske Agencija za elektroničke medije Grad Zagreb
Medijski partneri: Balkan Insight - Balkanska tranziciona pravda CINS - Centar za istraživačko novinarstvo Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije