Sadržaj diplomatskih dopisa iz američkog arhiva - Evo što kažu o Hrvatskoj, BiH, Srbiji

Među najvažnijim što se može naći u prvom setu diplomatskih dokumenata nalaze se francusko-američki pogledi na razne dijelove svijeta, a dokumenti datiraju s konca prošle, 2009. godine. Među njima je i tvrdnja da je Iran fašistička država i da situacija traži odluku koja će značiti korak naprijed. Gdje vodi to "naprijed", s obzirom na ocjenu Iranskog režima, ne želimo niti zamisliti. Evo dijela koji govori o Iranu kao o fašističkoj državi:
11. (S/NF) Levitte noted that the Iranian response to the overture of President Obama and the West was "a farce," although Russia had received it as a real initiative. The current Iranian regime is effectively a fascist state and the time has come to decide on next steps. Levitte stated that this is why Paris is advocating a meeting of the EU3 PLUS 3 on the margins of the Pittsburgh G20 meeting. The French hope to approve a two-paragraph statement laying out next steps on negotiations or sanctions. He noted that German Chancellor Angela Merkel shares the view of the French President and is willing to be firm on sanctions, but that FM Steinmeier was more cautious. The Iranian regime must understand that it will be more threatened by economic harm and the attendant social unrest than it would be by negotiating with the West. Unfortunately, the P-3 cannot remain passive until Russia and China finally lose patience
Što se Hrvatske tiče, objavljeni su detalji vezani uz proširenje Europske unije, iz kojih se vidi da ulazak u Europu neće biti lagan kako nam to svakodnevno tvrde s Markovog trga. Francuski diplomat Jean-David Levitte, stoji u noti, zaključuje da pregovori oko teritorijalnog spora sa Slovenijom napreduju. Nada se da će izbori u Njemačkoj, u to vrijeme predstojeći, dozvoliti da nova njemačka vlada bude otvorenija prema proširenju unije na balkanske zemlje. "Pariz želi vrata ostaviti otvorenim, čak ako proces proširenja bude trebao i duže vremena." Evo kako izgleda cjelovit tekst dokumenta koji se tiče Makedonije i Hrvatske.
5. (C) Levitte expressed optimism that a new Greek government would be "more solid" and allow greater flexibility for progress in the Greek-Macedonian name dispute. A/S Gordon agreed that either a more solid Conservative government or a Socialist government would be a stronger, more flexible partner in the negotiations. He expressed hope that if the international community could convince Macedonia to abandon the idea of a referendum and get Greece to abandon the necessity of changing passports, then progress could be made. On Croatia, Levitte observed that the border issue with Slovenia is making progress. He hoped that the upcoming September elections in Germany would also allow the new German government to be more open to EU enlargement to include the Balkan countries. Paris wants the door to enlargement to remain open, even if the accession process takes time.
Dakako, kakav bi to diplomatski razgovor bio da u njega nije uključena i Bosna i Hercegovina. Govori se o namjeri prebacivanja vlasti u toj zemlji s UN-ovog visokog predstavnika na visokog predstavnika Europske unije. Govore da trenutačni UN-ov tim više nije učinkovit. Francuska prijenos vlasti želi vidjeti do listopada i govori da će pristup, odnosno proširenje Europske unije Bosancima i Hercegovcima biti "mrkva" koja bi ih trebala ohrabriti da naprave potrebne reforme. Američki diplomat Gordon slaže se da trenutačni sustav koji je međunarodna zajednica instalirala u BiH ne radi baš najbolje, ali napominje da će međunarodna zajednica izgubiti kredibilitet ako krene naprijed prije nego su sve potrebne pripreme završene. SAD se, kaže on slažu da je neka vrsta "mrkve" potrebna Bosni i Hercegovini. Evo sadržaja dokumenta koji govori o francuskim i američkim stajalištima po pitanju Bosne:
3. (C) Levitte noted that of the five major conditions required to transfer authority in Bosnia from the UN High Representative to an EU High Representative, four have been fulfilled, and only the question of division of state property remains. This final condition should not alone "block all progress," especially as the current UN team in Bosnia is no longer effective. France wants to see the transfer of authority to a new EU team in November, as the rapprochement to Europe is an effective "carrot" to encourage the Bosniaks to continue progress in necessary reforms. A/S Gordon agreed that the current system is not working well, but noted that the international community will lose credibility if we move forward before all the necessary pre-conditions have been fulfilled. He added that the U.S. agrees that some form of carrot is necessary to urge Bosnian compliance. Levitte noted that they still have two months to urge Bosnian progress before a final decision is made. In a separate meeting, Assistant Secretary equivalent for Continental Europe Roland Galharague said that "transition is the number one objective," suggested the division of state property will take much time to resolve, and urged the U.S. to support early transfer of authority that would open the door to Bosnian aspirations for greater integration into EU institutions. He noted that the growing perception of divisions between the US and Bosniaks on one side who favored retaining the UN role and the EU and Serbs on the other created unhelpful opportunities for manipulation.
A/S Gordon said this perception was inaccurate, but noted the U.S. is sensitive to the political need for Bosniak leaders to sell this decision to their publics. The USG needs to see a clear path ahead for transition in order to support it.
U dokumentu o Kosovu i Srbiji, pak, Francuzi kažu da se EULEX misija na Kosovu, nakon potpisivanja dva tehnička protokola sa Srbijom, našla u problemima s kosovskom vladom i tamošnjom javnošću. Nadalje se kaže da Kosovari moraju prihvatiti potpisane protokole, s tim da će im se podrobno objasniti da je riječ o tehničkim detaljima koji nemaju veze s kosovskim statusom, točnije njihovom nezavisnošću. Francuski diplomat kritizira srbijanskog ministra vanjskih poslova Vuka Jeremića i kaže da nije učinio ništa da kosovski Srbi pristanu sudjelovati u radu kosovske vlade. Diplomat Levitt kaže da je Jeremić davao velika obećanja svaki put kad je bio u Francuskoj, ali ništa od tih obećanja nije ispunio. Francuski diplomat Levitte kaže da se s Jeremićem više neće nalaziti te da ga ne smatra "modernim licem Beograda", što bi Jeremić trebao biti.
4. (C) Levitte noted that the EULEX mission is having diplomatic problems with the Kosovar government and public after signing two technical protocols with Serbia. They are hoping to ensure continued calm as Kosovo heads into municipal elections. A/S Gordon stated that the Kosovars will have to accept the protocols but that it should be clearly explained that these are technical agreements that have no impact on Kosovo's independent status. Levitte also criticized Serbian FM Jeremic, saying that he is doing nothing to encourage Serb return or participation in Kosovo's government. Levitte noted that Jeremic "makes big promises" every time he comes to France, but doesn't follow through. Levitte no longer meets with him and does not consider him to be the "modern face of Belgrade" that he purports to be.
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